Specialized Expertise

Foreign Company · Foreign Embassy


Due to the principle of territoriality under international law, the laws of each country cannot be applied or enforced beyond its borders. Therefore, foreign companies headquartered abroad, foreign-invested companies, and foreign embassies are subject to Korean labor laws.

However, there is often a significant gap between the labor laws of the home country, which the headquarters or investors are familiar with, and Korean labor laws, which create difficulties for HR managers. In particular, HR managers must understand the labor laws of their home country and the direction of their investors' HR policies, accurately understand Korean labor laws, and find a reasonable intersection between standardization and localization policies.

Seungpyeong Labor Law & HR Consulting assists in bridging communication between the headquarters of foreign companies, foreign-invested companies, foreign embassies, and HR managers in Korea. Additionally, we handle compliance tasks to ensure alignment with Korean labor laws.


Seungpyeong Labor Law & HR Consulting is staffed with professionals who have diverse backgrounds, including labor attorneys from a firm specializing in foreign companies, labor law consultants for the Seoul Global Center for Businesses and Workers, and labor law advisors for the Gyeonggi-do Support center for Foreign -Invested Companies.

This team of experts, with rich hands-on experience, analyzes the HR practices and trends of various global companies to provide differentiated solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients.

Additionally, Seungpyeong Labor Law & HR Consulting’s labor attorneys offer foreign language services. It enables direct communication with headquarters HR without intermediaries, ensuring faster and more accurate communication. We also provide bilingual (Korean and English) content to support effective and efficient HR operations.

Key Services
Category Detail
Legal Advice in Korean and English
  • Provide legal advice on individual labor relations, collective labor relations, and other labor-related laws (in-person, phone, email, etc.)
  • Provide quarterly HR and labor-related newsletters
  • Provide information on key HR and labor issues as they arise
  • Guide and connect clients with relevant government subsidy programs
  • Conduct English meetings and conference calls (additional fees apply)
Payroll Outsourcing in Korean and English
  • Management of recruitment, payroll, social insurance, personnel, leave, severance pay, and retirement pension
  • Preparation of bilingual (Korean/English) payroll ledgers and pay slips
  • Provide monthly payroll-related reports to headquarters
Legal Opinion Letter in Korean and English
  • Identify issues related to the opinion letters
  • Provide opinion letters in Korean and English
  • Conduct meetings and conference calls in English related to the opinion letters
HR Rules Consulting in Korean and English
  • Diagnose the current status of HR and labor management at the workplace and analyze risks
  • Design customized wage tables for the workplace
  • Provide employment contracts by work type and duty
  • Set the Rules of Employment
  • Establish labor-management council regulations
  • Arrange other regulations, manuals, and guidelines
Educations in Korean and English
  • Compulsory Education by Law
  • Prevention of Workplace Harassment
  • Other Customized HR Education
Representation in
Labor Case
  • Provide consultation and guidance on labor cases
  • Translation of labor case-related documents in Korean and English
  • Provide interpretation services during investigations and testimony related to labor cases
Workplace Harassment and Sexual Harassment Investigation Services in Korean and English
  • Provide guidance on procedures for dealing with workplace and sexual harassment
  • Review the harassment report and internal company regulations
  • Make questionnaires and conduct interviews for investigations
  • Prepare investigation reports and legal opinions
  • Take action regarding the victimized and the perpetrator
  • Support the implementation of preventive measures and improvements in organizational culture
Collective Labor Relations Consulting in Korean and English
  • Respond to and represent in collective bargaining
  • Review and analyze collective bargaining proposals and provide guidance
  • Provide collective agreements in Korean and English
Serious Accident Prevention Consulting in Korean and English
  • Diagnose the current state of occupational health and safety management and conduct risk analysis through hazard assessment
  • Establish an occupational health and safety management system
  • Support the implementation and practical operation of the health and safety management system